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 445 näyttökertaa, 9 viestiä, 0.16 MB, 1 tiedosto, 09.11.2020 18:42:03
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10.11.2020 02:45:30
#408223 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Mä ostan kaikille tänne ilmoittautuneille hengityssuojaan tukehtuneille turvapaikan ja pidän huolta ettei moista tapahdu enää koskaan heille. Hengityssuojasta ahdistuneille toivotan vaan mahdollisimman paskaa loppuelämää

10.11.2020 09:38:48
#408258 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


CDC:n tilastojen mukaan koronaa ollut paljon enemmän maskia käyttäneillä, oisko siksi että maskin käyttö lisää stressihormoni kortisolin määrää, se taas mm. laskee vastustuskykyä. Maski antaa minimaalisen suojan viruksia vastaan eli menee reilusti pakkasen puolelle.

"In addition to Dr. Mikovits warning, there are additional problems with wearing a face mask that increase stress on the immune system.

Stress Can Lower Your Immunity

Cortisol is closely linked with stress

A face-covering or mask that interferes with respiration can add to stress.

Cortisol is a hormone closely linked with stress. It works as a key player in the body’s stress response and is often measured in research as an indicator of stress.

Cortisol plays a vital role in the body’s functioning; it’s secreted by the kidney’s adrenal glands. But high and sustained blood levels of cortisone in individuals stressed by the fear of Covid-19 can trigger serious and emergent health issues.

Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (such as those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects, such as:

Impaired cognitive performance
Suppressed thyroid function
Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
Decreased bone density
Decrease in muscle tissue
Higher blood pressure
Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences
Increased abdominal fat, which is associated with a greater amount of health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body. Some of the health problems associated with increased stomach fat are heart attacks, strokes, developing metabolic syndrome, higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which can lead to other health problems".

[ 9 viestiä | ]