I want to stay but now it's time so Please don't cry my love
Please don't stand that way Please don't stand... 'Cause you know that it's hard when you look that way Know that it's hard when you talk that way so Please don't say...
Please don't cry my love...
'Cause you know that it's hard when you look that way Know that it's hard when you talk that way
“You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Jesus
3 viestiä
Faith No More - King For a Day
Don't worry, be happy
You're weak human :3
Suopursu taivaalla, natinkia
Gojira - Oroborus
Olet suopean epäilyksen alaisena huumon ;3 <3
Puhu kädelle
Vesiväritestaustausta (ja nakuankan naamakuva)
Mitä saisi olla...
Ghost House - Robert Frost... and fiends
Olemme bienet söbö, nöbö ja Tytti
Pink Floyd - Marooned (Official Music Video)
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