Tulee vähän mieleen se aikaisempi tilapäivityksesi siitä, trollaako joku vai ei.
Sitä on vaikea tietää, mutta aika käsittämättömältä tuntuu tuo pistemäärä.. Jos kyse on trollaamisesta, niin jotkut ovat nähneet melkoisen vaivan, ääniä on kuitenkin annettu 140,128. Tietenkään kaikki negatiiviset arvostelut eivät johdu alt-rightin perskivusta. Heitin vielä arvalla arvostelusivun numero 50 ja sieltä löytyi seuraavaa:
< Admiral Holdo (hildo), I firmly believe, was forced into the story under the order of Hillary Clinton. Seriously, her campaign manager probably had some story input. Knowing how Disney directly colluded with her campaign, this is very possible. -- Include as many women as possible and make men look dumb. (Seriously, I'm all for women making their mark on society, but this was just blatant man hating sexism. -- Include a character to represent Hillary Clinton, because we, the writers are delusionally "still with her" (Holdo. One vowel away from Hildo. Attacked by the dirty man because all men are wrong. And she 'sacrificed' herself for the "resistance". You could cut the similarities with a fucking knife).
< Pointless social justice warrior side quest
< The whole tone of the film was anti-male.