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 583 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 0.47 MB, 1 tiedosto, 27.09.2018 06:48:44
[ + 7 - | ]

Tasa-arvo toteutui

[18382] [tiedosto.mp4] [0.47 MB] [426x238] [] []

29.09.2018 20:50:01
#102911 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"Baytown police officers said the people in the video are a couple. They identified them as Garett Wilder, 26, and his girlfriend, Brittany Farber, 24. They charged them both with misdemeanors for public intoxication.

Wilder talked to ABC13 about the incident after we tracked him down. He admitted alcohol played a factor. He expressed remorse about the altercation.

"I've got nothing to say about it really," said Wilder. "I really don't want to talk about. She was a little embarrassed by it, but now she's kind of embraced it that everyone has seen it."

Wilder said Farber was at work Thursday afternoon. He said the two are back together and haven't had any alcohol since the incident.

Bayou City Wings said they suspended three employees as a result of the video being posted online."

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