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Perustettu 15.10.2017 01:51:38 Jäseniä 26 Vierailuja 2 050 Medioita 691

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 211 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 2.06 MB, 1 tiedosto
09.02.2019 02:05:03
[ + 0 | ]



(297)  · 


09.02.2019 02:05:10
#157317 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Never relent
Throw yourself
Never relent
Through yourself to the future!
This blood moon
Begins with a guarantee
And mercury
It ends in retrograde!

It's just
Bleeding me dry
So don't even try to say goodbye
Yes I harbor some
So don't even try to say goodbye

This is not over now
I'm far from down for the count
I hear it beckoning now
I'm far from down
Come out full guns blazing

I'll never forget
I may forgive tomorrow
I'll never forget
The years of sorrow
This blood moon
Begins with a guarantee
And mercury it ends in retrograde!
This time it ends in retrograde
I can hear it beckoning

I'm far from down for the count
I'm far from down for the count
Come out full guns blazing
This is
Not over now
I'm far from down for the count
I hear n beckoning now
I’m far from down
Come out
Full guns blazing
Hell raising!
All guns blazing!

The powers at be
The faces of God
Are a one-way mirror
As we hover above
Mangled tangled
A one-way mirror as we hover above!

This is
Not over now
I'm far from down for the count
Come out full guns blazing
This is not over now
I'm far from down for the count
I hear it beckoning now
Am far from down
Come out full guns blazing
Hell raising!
Never relent!

[ 1 viestiä | ]