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Perustettu 11.12.2017 21:03:30 Jäseniä 4 Vierailuja 1 549 Medioita 691

Rakkautta rajatta

White Zombie ft. Iggy Pop - Black Sunshine (fan video) White Zombie ft. Iggy Pop - Black Sunshine (fan video)
Ajattara - Lupaus (2017) (full album) Ajattara - Lupaus (2017) (full album)
MM - 8 MM - 8
AVATAR - Hunter Gatherer (OV FA, Lyrics) AVATAR - Hunter Gatherer (OV FA, Lyrics)
Etelän kostajat Etelän kostajat
Wheeler Walker Jr. - Fuck You Bitch Wheeler Walker Jr. - Fuck You Bitch
CMX - Sillanrakentaja CMX - Sillanrakentaja
MC Taakibörsta: PA 2001 MC Taakibörsta: PA 2001
Päästäisten kohtalo (Murder of a Shrew) Päästäisten kohtalo (Murder of a Shrew)
Zydrate Anatomy (HD) - Repo! The Genetic Opera Zydrate Anatomy (HD) - Repo! The Genetic Opera
Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You
Pisu-kisu :3 Pisu-kisu :3
The Quaker City Night Hawks - Some of Adam's Blues The Quaker City Night Hawks - Some of Adam's Blues
Leonard Nimoy - The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins Leonard Nimoy - The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Massive Attack - Angel Massive Attack - Angel
Gus Chiggins, Old Prospector Gus Chiggins, Old Prospector
Kurks :3 Kurks :3
Alice In Chains - Them Bones Alice In Chains - Them Bones
Kuva4 Kuva4
Marilyn Manson - Minute of Decay Marilyn Manson - Minute of Decay
Eat or be eaten... shall be the whole of the law. Make it yours. Eat or be eaten... shall be the whole of the law. Make it yours.
Cat Pineapple Apple Cat Cat Pineapple Apple Cat
Jaroslaw Kukowski - Dream Jaroslaw Kukowski - Dream
Fever Ray - Seven Fever Ray - Seven
 125 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
22.11.2019 23:39:04
[ + 1 | ]

The Breeders - Safari




22.11.2019 23:40:16 | 23:43:25
#273943 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

(aaaah aaaah aaaah)
He didn't cry on a safari
In over his knees
He couldn't leave the finer life
Always hugging the ground
But crying out for me

He didn't cry on a safari
In over his knees
He couldn't leave the flock, he couldn't leave
Always hugging the man
But crying out for me

[ 1 viestiä | ]