I know you well. you are a part of me. I know you better than I know myself.
I know you best, better than anyone. I know you better than I know myself.
You are a part of me. You are just a part of me, You are just a part of me, You are just a part of me, You are just a PART OF ME!!! GIVE IT UP!!!
You don't speak. You don't judge. You can't leave. You can't hurt me. You're just here for me to use.
I know you well. you are a part of me. I know you better than I know myself.
I know you best, better than anyone. I know you better than you do thyself.
I know you well, better than one might think. I know you better than I know myself.
I know you well. You are a part of me. I know you best, Better than any one. I know you well, You are a part of me. I know you best, Better than one might think.
It's time for you to make a sacrifice. It's time to die a little. Give it up.
I know you better, Better than any one. I know you better than i know myself.
A part of me. That made you look.
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