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muuvit muuvit
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Nightmære - Crypt Tv Nightmære - Crypt Tv
 170 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 10.12 MB, 1 tiedosto, 24.04.2018 21:55:23
[ + 0 | ]

Fear Factory - Shock

[11130] [5adf7d90723380.05569547.webm] [10.12 MB] [480x360] [] []


(297)  · 


24.04.2018 21:57:00 | 22:14:31
#50599 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


Shock! [repeat distorded]

Welcome to my world
Headfirst to the Earth
With my sights on the goddamned kill switch
I've become a fuse
Charged with attitude
Fixed and dialated by my anger
I have become a direct
I have become a current
I have become a direct
I have become insurgent
I will be the power surge
Shock to the system
Electrified, amplified
Shock to the system

Shock! [repeat distorded]

Alternate to the wires
Heat my core desire
I will not stand for condemnation
I've become the volts
To lead the revolt
Fuck with me ensues certain danger
I have become a tyrant
I have become a current
I have become a direct
I have been called an insurgent

I will be the power surge
Shock to the system
Electrified, amplified
Shock to the system
I will be the power surge
I will be the insurgent
Electrified, amplified
Electrified, amplified

[ 1 viestiä | ]