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It It
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 453 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 1.06 MB, 1 tiedosto, 30.03.2018 04:06:40
[ + 5 | ]

Cthulhun nimeen!

[9747] [Cthulhu.jpg] [1.06 MB] [1920x1080] [] []

30.03.2018 06:28:24 | 14:54:18
#42620 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"Took a lonely feeling
Just to let the meaning
Sink like the sun goes down
Never close to heaven
Felt my feet were burning from the same red hot ground

There's blood on my hands,
There's blood on my hands
Yeah, there's blood

It's getting hard to listen
When the clock is ticking
Counting down the days gone by
Praying for an answer to another question
That will only leave you dry

You won't understand
With your head in the sand
No, you won't

But I'll curse the ground where you kneel
Till I grow my hair to my heels
Spike your water your wine
While you waste my precious time"

"Every time I'm drinking
Try to stop my thinking
About the things I've said and done
Stop the world from turning faster
Than I'm learning not to just hide and run

You won't understand
With your head in the sand
No, you won't

Love came and went faster than a penny spent in a slot machine
Nowhere near the devil, just somewhere in between you and me
Sworn to secrecy

And I'll curse the ground where you kneel
Till I grow my hair to my heels
Spike your water your wine

Yeah, there's blood on my hands,
There's blood on my hands
There's blood on my hands,
There's blood on my hands
Yeah, there's blood

But there's blood on my hands
Yeah, there's blood

Took a lonely feeling
Just to let the meaning
Sink like the sun goes down
Never close to heaven
Felt my feet were burning from the same red hot ground"

[ 1 viestiä | ]