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 250 näyttökertaa, 5 viestiä, 0.61 MB, 1 tiedosto, 09.10.2024 20:11:52
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Oho eiku

[73831] [Nayttokuva_2024-10-09_201112.png] [0.61 MB] [954x798] [] []


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09.10.2024 20:59:23
#652232 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Theodore N. Kaufman 1941 -kirjassaan "Germany Must Perish!":

War must be fought not with weapons of ever-increasing destructiveness but with penalties infinitely more frightful and hazardous than war itself.

This book sincerely believes that it has found such a penalty; and by its imposition upon the people of Germany, this book believes that not only would a great scourge be removed from the world, but a great good born to it. And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty: Germany must perish forever! In fact ‐ not in fancy!

Germans are an execrable people! They think and dream of nothing but chicanery. The German does not live on the heights; he avoids light, and from his hiding place he picks to pieces treaties, exercises his malign influence on newspaper articles, pores over maps, measures angles, and traces with gloating eagerness the lines of frontiers.

They are capable of little else but hating and lying, even to themselves. They meddle in everyone else’s affairs, poking their nose into matters that do not concern them, criticising everything, bossing everything, lowering and distorting everything.

The German has decided that his race has been elected by God to order the modern world. is most essential that we realize as an irreconcilable fact the truth that the Nazis are not beings existing apart from the German people. They are the German people!

...the goal of world-dominion must be removed from the reach of the German and the only Way to accomplish that is to remove the German from the world!

Thus we find that there is no middle course; no act of mediation, no compromise to be compounded, no political or economic sharing to be considered. There is, in fine, no other solution except one: That Germany must perish forever from this earth!

There remains now but to determine the best way, the most practical and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon the German nation” Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution must be ruled out. In addition to being impractical when applied to a population of some seventy million, such methods are inconsistent with the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forever of Germanism and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenie Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.

When one realizes that such health measures as vaccination and serum treatments are considered as direct benefits to the community, certainly sterilization of the German people cannot but be considered a great health measure promoted by humanity to immunize itself forever against the virus of Germanism.

Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a birth rate in Germany. At the normal death rate of 2% per annum, German life Will diminish at the rate of 1,500,000 yearly. Accordingly in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Germanism and its Carriers, will have been an accomplished fact. By virtue of its loss of self-perpetuation German Will will have atrophied and German power reduced to negligible importance.

09.10.2024 21:02:50 | 21:04:03
#652234 [+2] Piilota Suosittele

Näin idiootit saadaan uskomaan mitä tahansa paskaa lukee netissä :DDDD

Aina nää on jostain "mukamas tutkimuksesta" mitä yksikään THL tai muukaan ole julkistanut, koska se on SALALIITTO jos vittu suomen virologit sanoo jotain :D Vitun lampaat bää bää :D Huutista!

09.10.2024 22:58:40
#652259 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Joopa joo ... faktuaalisesti mahdollisuus saada sydänongelmia rokotteesta, rokotteesta riippuen on 0.0015% - 0.0040% ... kuolemaan johtaneita tapauksia (kaikissa ikäryhmissä, mukaanlukien ne ihmiset joilla aiempi sydänvika) on ollut 2 kpl per 10.000.000 rokotusta ...

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