Its Mah Birthdays Its Mah Birthdays
Juhlat Juhlat
Ei löydy enää Ei löydy enää
uudenvuodentoivotukse venäjällä uudenvuodentoivotukse venäjällä
Uudet postimerkit 2019 Uudet postimerkit 2019
Aamupalalla :3 Aamupalalla :3
Jotain jotain mutsivitsi Jotain jotain mutsivitsi
Mies ulos sinusta Mies ulos sinusta
Alluha akhhbaar Alluha akhhbaar
Kerro lisää :3 Kerro lisää :3
Katapultin herra Katapultin herra
Terveys edellä Terveys edellä
tötterö tötterö
Jean-Claude Juntti Jean-Claude Juntti
Ja siitä pitkä loikka! Ja siitä pitkä loikka!
"Bitch you wanna play, I'll play bitch, come here bitch I'm "Bitch you wanna play, I'll play bitch, come here bitch I'm
modernia taidetta modernia taidetta
Päivän safkat Päivän safkat
Vääntöä on Vääntöä on
Kissekasa Kissekasa
vuotaako savustuskeskus liikaa🤔 vuotaako savustuskeskus liikaa🤔
äitien juttuja äitien juttuja
Intialainen amis Intialainen amis
Lisää valokuitua kaikkialle Lisää valokuitua kaikkialle
 478 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 14.11.2020 00:30:54
[ + 3 | ]

Bloodhound Gang - Your Only Friends Are Make Believe

jimmy pop

14.11.2020 00:31:12 | 00:37:44
#409299 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Knock knock Mr. Rogers it's Mr. McFeely
I've brought you a letter Speedy Delivery
Well Mr. McFeely if there's postage due
You can go fuck yourself like Captain Kangaroo

I can go to land of make believe and I can pretend
But in the end, I still have no friends

Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

Mr. Rogers, I like your cardigan sweater
Mr. McFeely shut up and give me my letter
I don't want to talk to you don't you understand?
Why are you inside my house? You're just my fuckin' mailman

I can go to land of make believe and I can pretend
But in the end, I still have no friends
Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

You can go to land of make believe and you can pretend
But in the end, you still have no friends

You can go to land of make believe and you can pretend
But in the end, you still have no friends

Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do

You are my best friend too
I share the same views and hardly ever argue
Eat Spam from the can watch late night C-Span
And rock out to old school Duran Duran
Your best friend is you I'm my best friend too
I share the same views and hardly ever argue
Eat Spam from the can watch late night C-Span
And rock out to old school Duran Duran

You are my best friend too
I share the same views and hardly ever argue
Eat Spam from the can watch late night C-Span
And rock out to old school Duran Duran
Your best friend is you I'm my best friend too
I share the same views and hardly ever argue
Eat Spam from the can watch late night C-Span
And rock out to old school Duran Duran...

[ 1 viestiä | ]