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 364 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 13.10.2020 10:26:50
[ + 2 | ]

Dead Men Drinking

16.10.2020 10:02:49
#399399 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

We were the first wave
Born with a metal neck
Out on the highways
We've been to hell and back

Some may call us gone, poor motherfuckers
Little suckers, pathetic fools

Drink with class
That's why we're here, that's what we do
Always fast
Bang our heads since '82
Been blowing ears for ages
Deliver crazy shows
Our manager's a fart-freak
Choleric to the bone

We're Dead Men Drinking! Our brain cells call for help
Hygiene's a stranger to us, we're Dead Men Drinking!
We're Dead Men Drinking! Maybe delirious
But still on stage and thrashing, we're Dead Men Drinking!

Our blood is Äppler
Beer-eyes and stinky breath
Zombies from Frankfurt
We died one thousand deaths

Some may call us gone, poor motherfuckers
Little suckers, pathetic fools

Drink with class
That's why we're here, that's what we do
Always fast
Bang our heads since '82
Been blowing ears for ages
Deliver crazy shows
Our manager's a fart-freak
Choleric to the bone

We're Dead Men Drinking! Our brain cells call for help
Hygiene's a stranger to us, we're Dead Men Drinking!
We're Dead Men Drinking! Maybe delirious
But still on stage and thrashing, we're Dead Men Drinking!

Drink with class
That's why we're here, that's what we do
Always fast
Bang our heads since '82
Been blowing ears for ages
Deliver crazy shows
Our manager's a fart-freak
Choleric to the bone

We're Dead Men Drinking! Our brain cells call for help
Hygiene's a stranger to us, we're Dead Men Drinking!
We're Dead Men Drinking! Maybe delirious
But still on stage and thrashing, we're Dead Men Drinking!

We were the first wave
Born with a metal neck
Out on the highways
We've been to hell and back

[ 1 viestiä | ]