7evill 22602 11.08.2020 16:55:19 #373575 [+-] Piilota Suosittele Neverless_________One would always draw a line.My brain is a plate of fullfilling oddities.So let us dine.Soft malady dipped in brine.Master, mistress, hide my bones. I've learned the hidden throughs.The Chantry's defi-essences left more scars and holes than necessary.Those sane moments needed unmending.Of all the Tzimisce I found (and on afterthought, it found me)The Carpatian let me partake of the blood of change.Wicked, wily, warped.I am what I want, but the blood was tainted.No, I mean sacred. As my mind is now.___________________________________
hapsi_ 77850 11.08.2020 21:48:56 #373687 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373575 But why tho? Why are you teasing me?
7evill 22602 11.08.2020 22:36:50 | 22:40:39 #373713 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373687 No Tears (Play me?)_________Every time the shadow looks like a hand.It bares the stench.Sometimes it shows its fangs like a beast.I arch my neck.Embrace me; you insane thing,You've beguiled me,And will soon deny me of everything.Every. Thing. Under the sun.At your leisure...I succumb to your usurpers desire.Once a warrior, now a hobo.Once a man, now a puppet.Where is my mistress of misery?She was culled because of me."...caress me, take me like a man?"The hands of the clock move quicker.At the moment of my ascension to princehood?I know I'm touched, a bit too insincere.These dozens of years, have made it clear.I rip her throat open... finally.The assemble of Primogen kneel.Diablerie... finally.The City will hold.With a broken steering wheel.Built upon that fateful night.When she took my life.
SetäMies 9815 11.08.2020 22:56:58 #373731 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373575 Kävin kyseisen orkesterin keikalla Tampereen Tullikamarilla October Rust kiertueella. :)
7evill 22602 11.08.2020 22:59:39 #373732 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373731 Kade. Tämä oli sitä settiä ennen balladeja. Peter Steelellä oli kuulemma 10 tuuman kyrpä. :)
SetäMies 9815 11.08.2020 23:20:40 #373740 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373732 Käsi päivää sanoin keikan jälkeen Peterin kanssa. Julmetun iso mies oli.
7evill 22602 11.08.2020 23:41:47 #373745 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373740 Sekin vielä, kunnon Goljatti toisin kuin Dani.Kirkuttiin bäckkärille saapastevella bändille Ilosaarirockissa kuin pikkutytöt. Isäntä kiljaisi takaisin.
hapsi_ 77850 11.08.2020 23:53:03 #373756 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373732 10 tuuman kyrpäAnd this is important to you?
7evill 22602 12.08.2020 01:06:22 #373780 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373756 Tilailin aikoinaan englannista Metal Hammer - aviisia ja sen haastattelussa hän itse näin kehui "10" dick is a 10" dick"Joten kai se oli sitte.
hapsi_ 77850 12.08.2020 13:27:08 #373865 [+-] Piilota Suosittele >>373779 403 ForbiddenOnks ton linkin takana jotain kiellettyä ollu? Lapoa? Pomminteko-ohjeita? Lista henkilöistä keneltä saat laittoman AK:n?>>373780 Nu minen umara. Tämä on yleistä minulla.
sonja 41695 13.08.2020 01:41:58 #374089 [+-] Piilota Suosittele https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY0l2FtdMY4