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 390 näyttökertaa, 10 viestiä, 0.14 MB, 1 tiedosto, 10.02.2020 09:53:49
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10.02.2020 09:54:36 | 09:55:12
#305233 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

When Blackbeard blockaded Charleston Harbor in 1718, he didn't ask for gold, he demanded medicine. The salacious part of this request is what type of medicine was see he requested mercury and injection equipment. Back in the day,mercury injected into the urethra was thought to be a cure for gonorrhea. And after a long stint in the brothels of Barbados, most of the men in his fleet were completely infested! Thus, Blackbeard the pirate captured Charleston harbor because his man parts were...causing him to speak.

[ 10 viestiä | ]