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 204 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 2.95 MB, 1 tiedosto, 13.06.2019 15:32:11
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Marilyn Manson - In the Shadow of the Valley of Death (lyrics)

21.06.2019 13:38:42
#216352 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

We have no future
heaven wasn't made for me
we burn ourselves to hell
as fast as it can be
and I wish that I could be a king
then I'd know that I am not alone

Maggots put on shirts
Sell each others shit
sometimes I feel so worthless
sometimes I feel discarded
I wish that I was good enough
then I'd know that I am not alone

Death is policeman
Death is the priest
Death is the stereo
Death is a TV
Death is the Tarot
Death is an angel and
Death is our God
killing us all

she puts the seeds in me
plant this dying tree
she's a burning string
and I'm just the ashes

she put the seeds in me
plant this dying tree
she's a burning string
and I'm just the ashes

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