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 587 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 2.95 MB, 1 tiedosto
07.06.2019 11:52:07
[ + 0 | ]

Fear Factory - Edgecrusher

neon genesis evangelion


speed metal

07.06.2019 11:56:42
#211290 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Conceived in a hell beyond your depth of perception
Chaotic case of conquering domination
Psychopath snaps fired chains of imprisonment
A bludgeoning force that's undermining the government
Inflict strain upon the structure
Collapsing below my pressure
Inflict strain upon the structure
Collapsing below my pressure
Break of the Edgecrusher...
The purist, non-conformist, jaded subhuman terrorist
From flest to steel and blood to blade I fight to exist
A rival of justice, extreme rush of hatred
Survival in a twisted world where nothing is sacred
Inflict strain upon the structure
Collapsing below my pressure
Inflict strain upon the structure
Collapsing below my pressure
Break of the Edgecrusher...

[ 1 viestiä | ]