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 315 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 1.7 MB, 1 tiedosto, 22.11.2018 07:12:21
[ + 1 | ]

Ugly Kid Joe - Clover


(244)  · 


(7)  · 


22.11.2018 07:13:32 | 07:16:57
#123995 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

I'm, protected by the leaves of the four leaf clover
And I, refuse to die for you
And I, was tempted but the apple made me stronger
And I, spit it up on you
And I'm here to free you
And I'm here to free youuuuu!

I'm infected by the lies that made me colder
And I, I put my trust for you
Time has passed me by, my soul is getting stronger
And I, I never lie for you
And I'm here to free you
And I'm here to free you, yeah!
And I'm here to free you
And I'm here to free youuuuuu!


I'm protected by the leaves of a four leaf clover
And I, I never lie for you
And I, expect to die for my life won't live much longer
And I, I never lie for you

And I'm here to free you
And I'm here to free you
To free you

And I'm here to free you
And I'm here to free youuuuu!

[ 1 viestiä | ]