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 526 näyttökertaa, 8 viestiä, 0.13 MB, 1 tiedosto, 28.10.2017 12:43:35
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16.03.2018 12:45:38
#38389 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


They will read every Garfield comic, 80,000 years from now, a child will see a simple Jon Arbuckle, reading a newspaper. He will feel around for something, but that something is not there. He will lift his head and think... "Now where could my pipe be?" And Garfield will be smoking the pipe, and Jon will yell "GARFIELD!" ...and what then? 80,000 years from now? The child reading this comic will smile. And that smile will transcend space and time and the physical limitations of this existence, whatever they may be, however many dimensions exist... There will always be Garfield. And there will always be its creator. Jim Davis.


[ 8 viestiä | ]