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vitun väyryne vitun väyryne
Espaniassa pikku tulipalo Espaniassa pikku tulipalo
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ohoh... ohoh...
Tuoli Tuoli
Jungle flute Jungle flute
Kratos ja olut Kratos ja olut
Kaverit Kaverit
On pakko painaa.. On pakko painaa..
Jännitti viimehetkellä Jännitti viimehetkellä
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 239 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 1.32 MB, 1 tiedosto, 12.09.2018 21:49:49
[ + 1 | ]

The Quaker City Night Hawks - Some of Adam's Blues

hard rock



(6)  · 

memphis boogie

12.09.2018 21:50:45
#95873 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

My name was written down from a foundation,
despite our faithlessness you send salvation
Lost through the garden gates

Lips wet with languish
No thought of memory
No simple precedent
And now I know it's true

His day is coming boy
that final judgement
no matter where you go
you can't hide from him
Lost through the garden gates
Lips wet with languish
no thought of memory
no simple precedent.
And now I know it's true

Lost through the garden gates
Lips wet with languish
Your day is coming oh
And I feel it
Lost through the garden gates
lips wet with languish
no thought of memory
no simple precedent
and now I know it's true

[ 1 viestiä | ]