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Perustettu 30.08.2018 14:51:03 Jäseniä 17 Vierailuja 1 725 Medioita 1379

Kaikki musiikkimediat jne.

Hechizeros Band - El Sonidito Hechizeros Band - El Sonidito
Tän takia FP perustettiin Tän takia FP perustettiin
Cosmic Monsters Inc. Cosmic Monsters Inc.
Sofia Jannok. Arvvás Sofia Jannok. Arvvás
The Legend of Xanadu J.D.K. Special - Frozen Tower The Legend of Xanadu J.D.K. Special - Frozen Tower
Red Threat (Synthwave - Retrowave - Darkwave Mix) Red Threat (Synthwave - Retrowave - Darkwave Mix)
Gesaffelstein - Pursuit Gesaffelstein - Pursuit
YUP - Yövieraat - Roswellin kattilaan (HD) YUP - Yövieraat - Roswellin kattilaan (HD)
Car Bomb - Meta (Full Album) Car Bomb - Meta (Full Album)
Sabaton - The Last Stand with Orchestra Sabaton - The Last Stand with Orchestra
F**k Everything F**k Everything
Slayer - Repentless Slayer - Repentless
Tummankeltanen uloste Tummankeltanen uloste
Men Without Hats - Safety Dance Men Without Hats - Safety Dance
Monster Magnet - Space Lord (OV) Monster Magnet - Space Lord (OV)
Nine Inch Nails - Gave Up (OV) Nine Inch Nails - Gave Up (OV)
They were gorged upon... They were  gorged upon...
Tool - Parabola Tool - Parabola
Metallica - Nothing else matters Metallica - Nothing else matters
Sentenced - Killing me killing you Sentenced - Killing me killing you
Megadeth - Holy wars Megadeth - Holy wars
Witness elämämkoulu US Witness elämämkoulu US
Dead Can Dance - Opium Dead Can Dance - Opium
Nuclear Power Trio - Grab 'Em by the Pyongyang (OV) Nuclear Power Trio - Grab 'Em by the Pyongyang (OV)
 557 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 0.77 MB, 1 tiedosto
17.07.2021 11:54:04
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Nykymallin mukainen poikabändi

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