Perustaja Spikanor

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Perustettu 30.08.2018 14:51:03 Jäseniä 16 Vierailuja 1 066 Medioita 1327

Kaikki musiikkimediat jne.

Delta Rae - Dance in the Graveyards (lyrics) Delta Rae - Dance in the Graveyards (lyrics)
Blind Guardian - The Bard`s Song Blind Guardian - The Bard`s Song
Billie Eilish - listen before i go (Lyrics) Billie Eilish - listen before i go (Lyrics)
Dragonforce - Black fire Dragonforce - Black fire
Anathema - Springfield Anathema - Springfield
Alex Jones Alex Jones
Rock gray - Clone mutation Rock gray - Clone mutation
Ohayo Gozaimasu band - MIMIZU IN THE DANCE FLOOR Ohayo Gozaimasu band - MIMIZU IN THE DANCE FLOOR
Fear Factory - Edgecrusher Fear Factory - Edgecrusher
Marilyn Manson - Get Your Gunn Marilyn Manson - Get Your Gunn
YUP - Saatana meni korvasta sisään YUP - Saatana meni korvasta sisään
Utsu-P - Song of The Double Love Suicide (Hanatan) Utsu-P - Song of The Double Love Suicide (Hanatan)
Local H - Bound For The Floor Local H - Bound For The Floor
Daster - Missing body parts Daster - Missing body parts
Riikka Puolakka - Täti Monika Riikka Puolakka - Täti Monika
Jesus Chrüsler Supercar - Lücifer (FA) Jesus Chrüsler Supercar - Lücifer  (FA)
Bongomian Rhapsody Bongomian Rhapsody
Lux Ultra - Stellar One Lux Ultra - Stellar One
Frowning - Murdered By Grief (Funeral Doom Metal) Frowning - Murdered By Grief (Funeral Doom Metal)
Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Uncensored Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Uncensored
Uamee - Kolya Uamee - Kolya
System Of A Down - Hypnotize (OV) System Of A Down - Hypnotize (OV)
Peter Murphy - Low Tar Stars Peter Murphy - Low Tar Stars
Stam1na - Panzerfaust Stam1na - Panzerfaust
 297 näyttökertaa, 5 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
04.09.2020 12:04:19
[ + 3 | ]

Dark sided

[47261] [Dark sided] [0.00s]




04.09.2020 12:06:28 | 13:58:04
#383492 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

(vapaata transkriptiota, en kaikkia tuon sekopään turinoita jaksanut kuunnella moneen kertaan)

They're not Christian
(did you not ask if she believed in god?)
She's not a Christian!

[talking with tongues]

I refuse you in the name of the lord!
Everything is ungodly! [x6]

'Cause I'm the warrior, I ask all the questions
Take your money and take whatever you've got
And git out of my house!
In Jesus's. name..
In Jesus's name I pray.

'Cause I'm the warrior

[ 5 viestiä | ]