Eritis sicut dii Thus sermonized the serpent ov Eden Thus struck the breath ov the Earth And thus flooded the blood ov the soil Slither into the gaping void!
I worship Thee, O vicious man! Now mark my words ye mortal race Feed my wrath with lion's gore Feed my envy with the fat ov lambs As the wicked ways will flourish Behold the monuments ov God decay
Lex Divinus, I stamp to dust I despoil the holy books I desecrate the angelic verses Like dead leaves wither they to ash As I am leading the hosts ov stars Onwards, embrace the Sur
In absentia Dei we sermonize In ecclesia Satani Thy might is right!
I have watched the birth ov planets I have witnessed the death ov worlds I've conducted the choir ov stars I have ridden the tail ov the comet As I've transformed From God to ash From dust to Man
In absentia Dei we evangelize In absentia Christi We spread like swarming plagues In ecclesia Satani Thy might is right!
1 viestiä
Marilyn Manson - We Know Where You Fucking Live (OV)
Perturbator - Technoir (feat. Noir Deco)
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame -musikaalin soundtrack
Guns N' Roses - Coma (live)
Martti Servo & Napander - Maailman sinisin taivas
@Valupertille terveisiä (LOST SOCIETY - Hangover Activator (OV))
Lappalaisten rakkauslaulu
Edvard Grieg - Surumarssi Rikard Nordraakille
Carlos Santana - Maria Maria ft. The Product G&B
Marilyn Manson - Rock 'n roll nigger (live)
KONTRUST: bomba (single version)
All the Things She Said (cover)
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CMX - Kultanaamio
Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness (OV)
Karhukaisen painajainen
Canon Rock
Hyvää musaa
Suu Kii
Inki pinki ponki
Men Without Hats - Safety Dance
Metsatöll ft. Marta Laan - Ballaad punastest paeltest (Terevisi