Living in the night 'Neath heavens torn asunder You call on me To solve a crooked rhyme As I'm closing in Imposing on your slumber You call on me As bells begin to chime
Are you on the square? Are you on the level? Are you ready to swear right here right now Before the devil That you're on the square That you're on the level That you're ready to stand right here right now Right here right now
Hiding from the light Sacrificing nothing Still you call on me For entrance to the shrine Hammering the nails Into a sacred coffin You call on me For powers clandestine
Are you on the square? Are you on the level? Are you ready to swear right here right now Before the devil That you're on the square That you're on the level That you're ready to stand right here right now Right here right now
Are you on the square? Are you on the level? Are you ready to swear right here right now Before the devil That you're on the square That you're on the level That you're ready to stand right here right now Right here right now Right here right now Right here right now Right here right now Right here right now
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