O Purple flame! O whirling wheel ov life! Appear! Move! Rise!
Come unto me Bartzabel By the laws divine I quell Come unto me Bartzabel By the raging blood cells Come unto me Bartzabel By the spear, the sword, the spell Come unto me Bartzabel By the word that openeth Hell!
By Ra Hoor Khuit! By Elohim! By Samael! By Seraphim! By Hoor and Khem! By Gods ov War! Ares and Mars, and mighty Thor!
Come unto me Bartzabel By the power ov the panther's spell Come unto me Bartzabel By the circling citadel Come unto me Bartzabel By this mind ov miracles Come unto me Bartzabel By the moon and stars, I swear!
By Ra Hoor Khuit! By Elohim! By Samael! By Seraphim! By Hoor and Khem! By Gods ov War! Ares and Mars, and mighty Thor!
By Gods ov War! By Khem and Hoor! By Hachiman! Mentu, and all And by thy master, Graphiel Come unto me O Bartzabel!
1 viestiä
Slipknot - Duality (OV)
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down
Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box
Nigga Money Haiiii
5-0 on kiva olla
Seventeen Come Sunday
Son of Satan
Avatar - Torn Apart
Marilyn Manson - Heart-Shaped Glasses
Marilyn Manson - The Reflecting God
Slipknot - Sulfur [OV]
PARADISE LOST - Beneath Broken Earth (OV)
@Valupertille terveisiä (LOST SOCIETY - Hangover Activator (OV))
Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People Uncensored
Antonín Dvořák: Sinfonia nro 9, Uudesta maailmasta
Minnie Riperton - Lovin' you (is easy 'cause you are beautiful)
Zombie (metal cover by Leo & Stine Moracchioli)
R. Kelly - Trapped in the Closet 1-5
Heikki Kinnunen - Pylypyllyllyy
Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World (OV)
Avatar - Eagle Has Landed [OV]
CROSS VEIN -「The Revival」
Sabaton - The Symphony to End All Wars (Full Album)