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Perustettu 30.08.2018 14:51:03 Jäseniä 17 Vierailuja 1 435 Medioita 1372

Kaikki musiikkimediat jne.

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 136 näyttökertaa, 2 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
03.12.2019 16:57:14
[ + 1 | ]

College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero (Drive OST)


(9)  · 


03.12.2019 16:57:57 | 17:01:44
#278321 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

(Real human being
And a real hero)

Back against the wall and odds
With the strength of a will and a cause
Your pursuits are called outstanding
You're emotionally complex
Against the grain of dystopic claims
Not the thoughts your actions entertain
And, you have proved to be
A real human being
And, a real hero

Real human being
And, a real hero
Real human being
And, a real hero
Real human being
And, a real hero

A pilot on a cold, cold morn'
155 people on board
All safe and all rescued
From the slowly sinking ship
Water warmer than his head so cool
In that tight bind knew what to do
And, you have proved to be
A real human being

Real human being
And, a real hero
Real human being
And, a real hero
Real human being
And, a real hero
Real human being
And, a real hero

[ 2 viestiä | ]