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Perustettu 30.08.2018 14:51:03 Jäseniä 17 Vierailuja 1 614 Medioita 1378

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 245 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.07 MB, 1 tiedosto, 25.08.2019 02:55:09
[ + 0 | ]

Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick [OV]

25.08.2019 02:56:09
#239696 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Havohej another me born to serve
To plague and moan
So many years my seed condemned
No free to soar!!!

Will is yours? So creator
No intent could shawdow
My disease ... Ever lusting pain

World of sickness
Blessed are we to taste
This life of sin

My touch is inhumane
Nocturnal beast inside
Is void of light
And empty shall remain

[ 1 viestiä | ]