see the light, a new day has arrived for us genesis of our evolution a linchpin holds within a means to an end can't you see that we are one?
can't take me apart! no you can't!
we see no end to the dream
we will never see the end we will never be the end all my life i've felt discarded never feeling a part of it
no you can't!
without me you will fade, you will not remain we are one, and of the same future machine! a linchpin holds within a means to an end can't you see that we are one?
can't take me apart! no you can't!
we see no end to the dream!
we will never see the end we will never be the end all my life i've felt discarded never feeling a part of it
no you can't take me apart
you can't change me now
1 viestiä
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80-lukulaista tsemppiä
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