When will you realize you're already there? So watered-down, your feelings have turned to mud. "Love everybody" is destroying the value of... All hate has got me nowhere
I know I'm slipping, I know I'm slipping, I know I'm slipping away I know I'm slipping, I know I'm slipping, I know I'm slipping away...
Oh no, it is everything they said it was Oh no, I am all the things they said I was Oh no, it is everything they said it was Oh no, I am all the things they said I was...
When you you get to heaven, you will wish you're in hell When you you get to heaven, you will wish you're in hell
When will you realize you're already here? You'll thank us now, that you have crossed over Don't pick the scabs, or you will never heal The world shudders as the worm gets its wings
Oh no, it is everything they said it was Oh no, I am all the things they said I was Oh no, it is everything they said it was Oh no, I am all the things they said I was...
Then I got my wings, and I never even knew it When I was a worm, thought I wouldn't get through it ooohh...
When you get to heaven you will wish you're in hell When you get to heaven you will wish you're in hell
Oh no, it is everything they said it was Oh no, I am all the things they said I was Oh no, it is everything they said it was Oh no, I am all the things they said I was...
1 viestiä
She past away - Katarsis
Marilyn Manson- Hey, Cruel World (OV)
Behemoth - Demigod (Radio Disney version)
Kylie Minogueta ei oo olemassa
Xmal Deutschland - Polarlicht
Bones - TheCafeteria
Se on teille pitkäperjantai
Hechizeros Band - El Sonidito
Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight (OV)
Filter - Short Bus (FA)
Oikeaa musiikkia teille poppareille
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Mega Man 11 - Menu (YM2612 Cover)
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Pink Floyd Ukraina
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Betraying the Martyrs - Parasite (OV)
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Smutka - Hukuta Ongelmat & Hanki Uudet Feat. Sairas †