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Perustettu 24.02.2018 23:55:33 Jäseniä 2 Vierailuja 286 Medioita 52

Juhlitaan musiikkia ja elämää!

Funkytown (cover) Funkytown (cover)
Evil Jared kusee Jimmy Popin päälle Evil Jared kusee Jimmy Popin päälle
Jon Lajoie - F**k Everything Jon Lajoie - F**k Everything
DIE ANTWOORD - Cookie Thumper DIE ANTWOORD - Cookie Thumper
Beach Boys-God Only Knows(Metal Version) Beach Boys-God Only Knows(Metal Version)
Pappa vetää Pappa vetää
Mary Poppins Sings - Death Metal Mary Poppins Sings - Death Metal
8 days a week - Debauchery 8 days a week - Debauchery
Immortal-The Sun No Longer Rises (Radio Disney Version) Immortal-The Sun No Longer Rises (Radio Disney Version)
Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover) Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover)
I Kissed a Girl (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Phil X) I Kissed a Girl (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Phil X)
Nekrogoblikon - We Need A Gimmick [OV] Nekrogoblikon - We Need A Gimmick [OV]
Jazz Against the Machine - Roots Bloody Roots Jazz Against the Machine - Roots Bloody Roots
Tenacious D - Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown, lyrics) Tenacious D - Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown, lyrics)
Ascii Wars Ascii Wars
MC Taakibörsta: PA 2001 MC Taakibörsta: PA 2001
Slayer - Angel of Death (Radio Disney Version) Slayer - Angel of Death (Radio Disney Version)
Slayer feat.Vanessa Paradis - South of taxi (1988) Slayer feat.Vanessa Paradis - South of taxi (1988)
The Black Satans - The Satan Of Hell The Black Satans - The Satan Of Hell
Chop Suey but you overslept Chop Suey but you overslept
Behemoth - Demigod (Radio Disney version) Behemoth - Demigod (Radio Disney version)
Who ya gonna call? Who ya gonna call?
All the Things She Said (cover) All the Things She Said (cover)
The Final Countdown (Metal Cover) The Final Countdown (Metal Cover)
 366 näyttökertaa, 2 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
26.11.2020 19:18:11
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Zombie (metal cover by Leo & Stine Moracchioli)

[ 2 viestiä | ]