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Perustettu 24.02.2018 23:55:33 Jäseniä 2 Vierailuja 290 Medioita 52

Juhlitaan musiikkia ja elämää!

Tenacious D - Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown, lyrics) Tenacious D - Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown, lyrics)
Mary Poppins Sings - Death Metal Mary Poppins Sings - Death Metal
DIE ANTWOORD - Cookie Thumper DIE ANTWOORD - Cookie Thumper
Behemoth - Demigod (Radio Disney version) Behemoth - Demigod (Radio Disney version)
Jazz Against the Machine - Roots Bloody Roots Jazz Against the Machine - Roots Bloody Roots
Hale & Pace - Smoking 60 A Day Hale & Pace - Smoking 60 A Day
BLACKPINK - How You Like That (metal cover) BLACKPINK - How You Like That (metal cover)
Ascii Wars Ascii Wars
Pappa vetää Pappa vetää
Metallimusiikkia ilman säröä (surf metal) Metallimusiikkia ilman säröä (surf metal)
Bill Withers and Pantera - "Use My Mouth for War" Bill Withers and Pantera - "Use My Mouth for War"
Funkytown (cover) Funkytown (cover)
“Freak on a Leash” (Korn) Swing Cover by Robyn Adele Anderson “Freak on a Leash” (Korn) Swing Cover by Robyn Adele Anderson
Tottele partaa! Tottele partaa!
8 days a week - Debauchery 8 days a week - Debauchery
Beach Boys-God Only Knows(Metal Version) Beach Boys-God Only Knows(Metal Version)
I Kissed a Girl (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Phil X) I Kissed a Girl (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli feat. Phil X)
All the Things She Said (cover) All the Things She Said (cover)
Fixicity - Mashup Fixicity - Mashup
It´s the End of the World as We Know It (cover) It´s the End of the World as We Know It  (cover)
Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover) Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover)
The Black Satans - The Satan Of Hell The Black Satans - The Satan Of Hell
Nekrogoblikon - We Need A Gimmick [OV] Nekrogoblikon - We Need A Gimmick [OV]
Zombie (metal cover by Leo & Stine Moracchioli) Zombie (metal cover by Leo & Stine Moracchioli)
 642 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.01 MB, 1 tiedosto
19.07.2019 01:18:20
[ + 2 | ]

The Federal Empire - I Never Liked Your Friends (OV)


(297)  · 


20.07.2019 02:59:46 | 03:00:45
#228294 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


Missä kohtaa ja mikä nainen?
Koska enhän olettaisi että et katsonut koko videota niin kuin joku totaalinen paskaperseidiootti.

Edit: anteeksi uhohtui vielä henkinen neekeri :3333

[ 1 viestiä | ]