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Perustettu 18.01.2018 15:10:36 Jäseniä 13 Vierailuja 1 046 Medioita 604

Kaikki kelpaa, mikään ei riitä. (lue: genrepoliisit älkää vaivautuko)

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Fear Factory - Edgecrusher Fear Factory - Edgecrusher
CMX - Kusimyrsky CMX - Kusimyrsky
Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Live MTV Unplugged) Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Live MTV Unplugged)
Meshuggah - I am Colossus Meshuggah - I am Colossus
System of a Down - Forest System of a Down - Forest
BELPHEGOR - 'Baphomet' - [OV] BELPHEGOR - 'Baphomet' - [OV]
Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover) Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover)
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Rammstein - Ich Will (OV) Rammstein - Ich Will (OV)
 316 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
23.10.2020 02:48:38
[ + 0 | ]

Fall of Efrafa - Owsla - Elil -Inlé (2006-2009) [FA trilogy]


(297)  · 

wheel of time

23.10.2020 02:52:17 | 11:55:16
#401609 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


1. Intro


2. Pity The Weak

Fell down upon the realm of man

On a scorned mound
We erect another monolith
Buckled under its own ego
Another pillar of content
Another milestone of man

Pity the weak
We cry out in laughter
As trees are felled
How the mighty have fallen
We mock the roots

Parasitic ape;
Spills his black blood
Blotting out the sun
Wither to sallow flesh

Saplings writhe where man is idle
An imperfect genocide

Erected upon weakened ground
Finally gave way [repeat]

Toppled down. Toppled down


we are a flash in the pan in relation to the longevity of life on this planet. when we murder countless lives and tear down countless trees, we feel we control everything. In our arrogance, we are simply pulling our end closer. When the last homo sapien dies, the world will not die with us. We are not a chosen race by some make believe god. We are the first, and hopefully last species to have evolved to the point where we deserve extinction. We are also a species that has the power to change this outcome.

3. A Soul To Bear

Man built god;
dragged himself upon a pedestal
kicked dirt in the faces of all other life
Crowned himself as deity

What animal separates this ape from that?
The human animal; ignored and loathed by louse and lion

Revel in our glory, in every brother is quarry
Butcher every life, until our land is stained and dead

From our towers we cry "every man shall bear a soul,
a right that no other beast shall bear"

and in the shadows the dogs shook their heads
"shame upon those apes, pride comes before a fall"


It is obvious to me now that religion was the wedge that drove the human animal away from the rest of the natural world. humanity has a superiority complex, and we can blame religion for this. Religion dictates that animals do not have souls, and therefor only serve two purposes to us - slaves and food. As an atheist, the idea of a soul is a naive explanation for our consciousness, All life is conscious. No life on this planet, or anywhere in the universe for that matter, holds more significance than any other. The universe is a complex yet totally random event - and the outcome of evolution and chance on this planet was man - a subspecies of ape, who took the reigns for the last 45,000 years. And what have we done with that time? raped this world, enslaved each other, butchered countless lives in the name of civilization? intelligent animals that wield our dominance like monsters. We must all begin to understand that all life is equal, and to kill and eat other life when we no longer need to, (where we understand that we can draw all the nutrients we need from plants) - is cruel and unnecessary, and that man made gods do not offer pardons.

4. Lament


5. Last But Not Least

Give us this day!
Our daily dead!
Curse the sun for this sight

Lay strewn upon the ground, can we not offer humility?
Breath hungry, life lost, faith starved,
Can we not offer humility?

Digger dig deep, feel for sights and sounds
Press your ear against the earth, upon the ground

Runner, ride out, against the turning tide
The sun beats down upon the land set aside

Foreboding fates will not cease
Laying my death before me
Arrows split against my hide
I am everyone, everyone in these eyes
I will witness the fall of efrafa
I will witness, witness the fall

Give us this day!
Our daily dead!
Can we not offer humility?

I am everyone, everyone in these eyes
I will witness the fall of efrafa
I will witness, witness the fall!

Give us this day!
Our daily dead!
Can we not offer humility?[x2]

6. The Fall Of Efrafa

The warren is empty tonight,
Blood spills on toiled ground
Fur will hang in ragged clumps
Upon the hedgerows

Peace is lost to us now,
A fettered ideal [x2]

They are the warmongers
And they will make our laws
A paw will fall upon the weak
They will mark the day

In death we make our charge, our last lament [x2]

To turn the tide, in our numbers;
The final will fall - they have our fear
We have the will
A battle cry will sound out
Shrill against the night
And with it our retribution;

The warren is empty [x5]

7. No Longer Human

Beneath this skin;
I am not human
I shed this flesh
In the name of shame
I shed this species
In the name of respect
For every life
We have taken from this earth
We are all butchers; plague bearers
The separation of man and beast[x4]

This garden of litanies never gave me anything



1. Beyond The Veil

In our haste we crowned a king
In our haste we bore his sin
In our haste we saw him god
In our haste; born again

Not in life but words of fiction
Another fable carved in stone
His crucifix a graven image
Impotent faith, to die alone

A bastard son of a bastard god
Stolen saviors of ancient tome
Misshapen idols in manmade temples
A bloodied hand across our mouths

Man the martyr; self appointed king
Lied in blood this selfish sin
Cast aside our sanity
The trinity of filth and lies

His majestic pestilent form
A rotted visage of our vanity

A cross a star a glyph
Burnt into our flesh
From our untimely birth
Cast upon us until death
And so we stand, ever waiting the end
Eyes skyward, ever waiting the end

Vacuous words read by naïve eyes
Coaxed out of pages, best forgotten
Cast a trillion shadows in their wake
Lay waste to all that we know

Bloated apes feign ignorance
Cloth to hide our guilt the stems
Our murderous nature in pastel rouge
This morality we attempt to feign

Man built God creates the veil
It hangs before us all and waits
Those who choose its warm caress
Dignify this empty fate

angelic mythos cracked in the kiln
Shards embedded in the mouths of liars
Charged nature as unfit
disfigured the sanctity of love
Tore down all that is good, all that is whole

2. Dominion Theology

Blessed be
thy torment;
Bound to the cadaver of the righteous
Our dutiful dead;

Dispose of this land in renewed valour
For we have slain the pitiful
Scoured this repugnant plain
With our cleansing touch

With vigour I blind my sight
Tranquil I resign my fate
Willing I cut my loins
For you have bled for us
You have died for us

Bind up thy wicked tongues
Sew shut her shameful lust
Burn up the sodomites
For they have wronged you
They have opposed you

Our vainglorious divinity
Fertile manure of the oppressed
Seething in cruor of the devout
Lives shed in adoration of you

Pardon the meek inheritance
Your words blanch skin bleach white
Cast out all other creeds
Gomorra filth;
worthless kin

Darwin's soiled grievance
Truth outweighed by the dumb
No reason in his domain

The deafening throng
The rapturous ascent
Of lives left in forfeit
Our last lament

This selfish appraisal
Lives lifted above
Bereft of all love

3. For El-Ahraihrah To Cry

Fu inlé; these clouds bode ill
From the earth we ran out;
That eve, that heralded night

For Man came knocking at our doors
Sank teeth within our homes

In those quiet hours,
where the elil ruled
The sky, the ground, our thoughts
We prayed for pity
but received none
We gasped for breath
But no breath came

Forgive us el ahrairah!
Prophet of two faces;
deceitful, delirious
Right hand of embleer frith,
Bore down on us all
Scattering minds like skeleton leaves
Hrair thethuthinnang
Weak willed we were, incoherent

Frith the lagging star,
hung on pitch fork lies
Weak willed we were, incoherent

Slay him down
deific abhorrence
slay him down

Frith lies still in charred soil
we silflay upon his bones
dance in his carrion eyes
tare his flesh with ideas
bore within him like worms
bore within him like worms

Frith the lagging star,
hung on pitch fork lies
Weak willed we were, incoherent

Slay him down

Embellished with
caustic runes
Buried cities,
burrow graves
We stand in
ragged rows

Tharn Eyes sullen with loss

Disembodied he wanders the wastes
Three headed elil
Frith, ahrairah, inlé
Baying for our heed

Cloying at our arms
eyes wet with tears
But we will not cry for you
We will not cry for you

We march in atrophy
His hands still claw and swoon
Sombre we tread
In quiet regress
Amidst the fallen
Friend and fetid foe
Their blood smears as one
And so our cause is whole
Warrens yawn wide
Engulf us all in tow

We will lie here
Beside these vanquished

[ 1 viestiä | ]