1. 0:00 Year Zero 2. 2:51 Swarm 3. 7:43 Lost City of Embers 4. 12:32 Withering 5. 16:48 ...and Thus Spoke Helepolis 6. 22:06 Master of Obsolescence Pt. I 7. 26:23 Of Omnipotence 8. 31:48 Prince Monopolist 9. 35:14 Vengeance 10. 37:17 Praise the Sun 11. 40:11 Don't Be Disputin' with Rasputin 12. 46:13 The Fragile Ones 13. 49:09 Fear
1 viestiä
Killing Ground
Rammstein - Mein Land (OV)
zYnthethic - Abandon all v3
Gimmel - Roviolla
Linkin Park - Crawling (OV)
I Will Rape and Murder
Marilyn Manson - Rock 'n roll nigger (live)
People = Shit
Marilyn Manson - Sweet Tooth (1993, Demo)
Death - Spirit Crusher
Brocas helm - Cry of the banshee
Follow The Cipher - Carolus Rex
Carach Angren "The Sighting is a Portent of Doom" (OV)