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Perustettu 18.01.2018 15:10:36 Jäseniä 13 Vierailuja 911 Medioita 603

Kaikki kelpaa, mikään ei riitä. (lue: genrepoliisit älkää vaivautuko)

Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover) Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover)
Amon Amarth - Releasing Surtur's Fire (Live) Amon Amarth - Releasing Surtur's Fire (Live)
Fear Factory - Linchpin [OV] Fear Factory - Linchpin [OV]
Oomph! - Das letzte Streichholz Oomph! - Das letzte Streichholz
Opeth - April Ethereal (w/lyrics, epilepsy warning) Opeth - April Ethereal (w/lyrics, epilepsy warning)
Carach Angren - When Crows Tick On Windows (Official Video) Carach Angren - When Crows Tick On Windows (Official Video)
Maailman parhaimmat EP:t (Buried at Sea - Ghost) Maailman parhaimmat EP:t (Buried at Sea - Ghost)
Toisen maanantai on toisen kihlapäivä Toisen maanantai on toisen kihlapäivä
Deftones - Change (In The House Of Flies) Deftones - Change (In The House Of Flies)
Death - Leprosy Death - Leprosy
Behemoth - Lucifer (Uncensored Version) Behemoth - Lucifer (Uncensored Version)
Rumpalipojke Rumpalipojke
King Diamond - House of God [FA] King Diamond - House of God [FA]
BELPHEGOR - 'Baphomet' - [OV] BELPHEGOR - 'Baphomet' - [OV]
Anaal Nathrakh - Endarkenment Anaal Nathrakh - Endarkenment
All the Things She Said (cover) All the Things She Said (cover)
Jace Everett - Bad Things (OV) Jace Everett - Bad Things (OV)
Cradle of filth - Scorched Earth Erotica (Nasty Version Cradle of filth - Scorched Earth Erotica (Nasty Version
Marilyn Manson - Disposable Teens (OV) Marilyn Manson - Disposable Teens (OV)
SABATON - Race To The Sea SABATON - Race To The Sea
Endseeker - Cure (OV) Endseeker - Cure (OV)
CMX - Nimetön CMX - Nimetön
Eisbrecher - Stossgebet (OV) Eisbrecher - Stossgebet (OV)
Marilyn Manson - Great Big White World Marilyn Manson - Great Big White World
 343 näyttökertaa, 0 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 19.10.2020 19:06:54
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Tom MacDonald - Whiteboy


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