Come forth for the cattle call Confront the evil river you can't control Wicked ways and venomous eyes Just human nature in disguise Lost in this world, Out on the edge With death by our sides Today I sworn that I wouldn't Mourn ya Cloud over California If that's the way it's gonna be the I'll fuckin' go it alone I'm a saint in sinners eyes Curse the clouds over California This is the call to obey Let the chaos reign!
Bloodshot and weary-eyed We took you in full of sin and pride It'll take you and break you away It'll tear you apart Today I sworn I wouldn't mourn ya Clouds over California if that's the way it's gonna be the I'll fuckin' go it alone
I'm a saint in sinners eyes Curse the clouds over California This is the call to obey Let the chaos reign! (x2)
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O hi! Low five!
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