Seether is neither loose nor tight. Seether is neither black nor white. I try to keep her on a short leash. I try to calm her down. I try to ram her into the gro-ha-ha-ound, yeah.
Can't fight the seether [x3] I can't see her till I'm foaming at the mouth.
Seether is neither big nor small. Seether is the center of it all. I try to rock her in my cradle. I try to knock her out. I try to cram her back in my mou-ha-ha-th, yeah.
Can't fight the seether.[x3] I can't see her till I'm foaming at the mouth.
Keep her down, boiling water. Keep her down, what a lovely daughter. Oh she is not born like other girls, but I know how to conceive her. Oh she may not look like other girls, but she's a snarl tooth seether. Seether!
Can't fight the seether.[x3] I can't see her till I'm foaming at the mouth. Yeah
Can't fight the seether. Can't fight the seether. Can't fight the seether. I can't see her till I'm foaming at the mouth. Yeah
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