Caught you Sniffing my boxers Who the fuck does that At Red Lobster? Creepy Like when Tom Cruise laughs That's how your finger Felt in my ass
I'm gonna come to your house on the back of a horse with A bunch of villagers carrying torches Most of whom dislike monsters like you, girl
The way Your kisses tasted Skeeve me the hell out Like shitting naked Why would I wanna stay friends? Rather get raped by Clowns again
I'm gonna come to your house on the back of a horse with A bunch of villagers carrying torches Most of whom dislike monsters like you, girl
I'm gonna go to your house on the back of a horse with A bunch of villagers carrying torches Most of whom dislike monsters like you, girl
I rub the lotion on the skin Or else I get the hose again I rub the lotion on the skin Or else I get the hose again I rub the lotion on the skin Or else I get the hose again I rub the lotion on the skin Or else I get the hose again I rub the lotion on the skin Or else I get the hose again I rub the lotion on the skin Or else I get the hose again...
1 viestiä
Carach Angren - Charles Francis Coghlan (OV)
Marilyn Manson - Rock 'n roll nigger (live)
Rammstein - Ich Will (OV)
MacGruber sijoittaa
Ihme huligaani
Hexvessel: Halloween - Misfits cover
Hoomon plz >;3
Isis - Wavering Radiant [FA]
Peaches - The Presidents of the United States of America
Midäs däällä dabahduu?
Kuumeviilto, niille jotka hukkuvat maalla.
Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You
Harvemmin käytetty, mutta tuikitärkeä kunniamaininta