You can see it in the movies and the paper and the tv news Somebody's army is always on the move There's gonna be a battle the lines have been drawn They've got guns and tanks and planes
The wells are gone dry and the water is bad and the air is acid rain There's war after war and rumors of war from the east There's a rumblin' in the ground and they're talkin' about the beast
Good mothers cry cause the rivers run high With the blood of too many sons Some people say peace is on the way But the worst is still to come
Cause the prophets wrote about it And jesus spoke about it And john got to take a look And he told us what he saw when it's easy to see It's goin' by the book It's goin' by the book
There's armies in the cities and the missiles stand ready for flight A pale horse rides like the wind across the night And that rumblin' in the desert like thunder gettin' closer And the trumpet's gettin' ready to blow There's gonna be a shout that will wake the dead we better be ready to go
Cause the prophets wrote about it And jesus spoke about it And john got to take a look And he told us what he saw when it's easy to see It's goin' by the book It's goin' by the book
It's goin' by the book Goin' by the book
1 viestiä
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