You keep saying you've got something for me Something you call love, but confess You've been a-messin' where you shouldn'ta been a-messin' And now someone else is gettin' all your best
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you Yeah
You keep lying when you oughta be truthin' And you keep losin' when you oughta not bet You keep samin' when you oughta be a-changin' Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin' And you keep thinkin' that you'll never get burned, ha! I just found me a brand new box of matches, yeah And what he knows, you ain't had time to learn
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
Are you ready boots? Start walkin'!
3 viestiä
Näin poistutaan pensaskiepistä
joka päivä on baardit :3
eiikä <:3
kuka on kiltti poika :3
Olen saapunut kotiin!
Kissa puhuu järkeä :3
Suruisan hahmon börh
tämä on hyvä
Yö, päivä, yö, päivä, yö.......
Tarvitsetko talouspaperia?
mitä olet mennyt tekemään <:3
Hampulit :3
I will bite you >:3
Din du nuffin t kissi
loop de loop
eipäs jäädä tutkimusretkelle
"Taas tämmöinen? Ettekö jo oppineet viime kerrasta?!"