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 486 näyttökertaa, 7 viestiä, 4 MB, 1 tiedosto, 28.09.2018 11:35:35
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Raggarin alku oppii katujen kovuuden

[18412] [fukin-kids.webm] [4 MB] [480x640] [] []


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siperia opettaa

28.09.2018 15:17:47
#102360 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Suoraan youtuben kommenteista:
"For those who wanted more information, the background story to this video pertains to the young boy and a friend of his who constantly harassed and bullied other children at the park. At one point, they were also chucking rocks at cars. One of the adults decided to report them to the park manager and the boys were ordered to leave. Afterward, the boy in the yellow shirt and black shorts refused to vacate the area and started cursing and throwing punches at the bearded man until he was finally grabbed and pushed away. On top of that, the boy and his friend have also had a history of terrorizing other people in their neighborhood (to the point where the police were called on them a couple times) and the boy was also expelled from his school for bullying other students. "

Ei taida olla kotona kaikki hyvin.

28.09.2018 16:41:27
#102389 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Voi sitten oikeudessa ukko liueta henkisen kärsimyksen korvauksista kaatumisesta johtuen ja sanoa, että penska kompastui omiin kenkiinsä. Vähintään kolme kokoa liian suuret :D

[ 7 viestiä | ]